Last updated on May 9th, 2024 at 04:26 pm

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Worth of your Adsense website
Estimated Website's value
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Welcome to Adsense website value calculator!

How does the value calculation works?

✅ Website types: It means the category of the website. Website’s value depends on the category that it’s built upon. For example, a financial website’s value is greater than an entertainment website’s value. 
✅ Traffic soure: Traffic source can impact the website a lot. if the traffic source is entirely depends on SEO it’s very valuable as Adsense advertisers pay higher price for the targeted audience.
✅Main country Traffic: The more valuable or tier 1 country advertisers your website can pull the higher the value of your AdSense website is. 

How does the calculator works?

After you input your data our “algorithm” takes all information and put an estimated value of the website. This calculation is premade and estimated. The real value or price can be lower or higher. 
Ps: Please don’t consider Saas or purchase value with adsense. This calculation is purely based on adsense data. 

Are you planning to buy Adsense website?

Consult with me before buying. I will give you an expert opinion if the website is worth the asking price or not.